Red Lodge Part 3

We are really getting into the swing of things. The last couple of days we've taken a slower start, getting out to the studio in the late morning, then taking a break from 5-7 (7-9 est),
then back at it for a couple more hours!
The residents are working diligently at photographing and cataloging our work for the show! They work hard to make this place run smooth! I will be featuring the resident artists
and their work later, here on the blog!
Above are 6 creamers I made to match the lidded coffee pitcher/Melitta sets that I showed yesterday.

Each creamer/sugar has a little basket. I'll put handles on the last 3 when we go back tonight!

A picture of Betty Hedman working on a Dresser/creamer. I hope to have pictures of the canister set shes working on! Very cool!

Here's Donn Hedman working on some of his basket vessel forms. Babu Porcelain handled vases with Laguna's Death Valley stoneware bases.

We took a drive up onto the plain above Red Lodge, called a "bench," and our gracious driver (Donn) allowed me to get out and snap this photo!
Until tomorrow!