I took a break from the wheel to return to these hand built bottle forms. The last time I made these bottles was as a resident at the Cub Creek Foundation. I think they'll look great in the crustier parts of the train kiln here at Red Lodge. Above are finished versions from Cub Creek in 2006.
When it comes to hand building, I love that as I finish them, they're done. No flipping, trimming, handles, etc. It take at least an hour for each bottle, but they're pretty much done after I add the neck and top. I'm sure I'll find a way to keep fussing with them tomorrow.
A few 10lb lidded jars that will get poked and prodded tomorrow. They stand about 14" tall. I think I like the one on the right with the higher shoulder and flatter lid...any thoughts? This type of lid, with the overhanging lip, is a little foreign to me. I usually drop a galley in the rim and the lid sits down in. (Like these or these). This overhanging lid will work a little better in zones of the kiln that may get quite a lot of ash buildup.
Above is another image from our trip to Cody.