Red Lodge Part 15

The last of the pots are drying and waiting for the bisque!
I like these jug and crock forms, they were really so fun to make.
Made with a clay body that has 25%grog and sand in it.
Had to work pretty quick with it, no time to fuss.

We're having a bit of fun tonight at the studio, with a pot luck for everyone!
Last night's opening was well attended, and dinner at Foster and Logans was great too!
A big thank you to David and the Residents for a nice night!

Red Lodge Part11: Cody images

Back on March 16th we made the last leg of our 3 day journey from PA to Red Lodge, late at night, drifting into town from Cody, Wyoming at around 1:30am. I was driving that night, and had no idea of the beauty that lay behind the dark as we sped through Wyoming and into Montana. Until yesterday! We made a day trip south on US Highway 120, retracing the route from that last night, down into the land of Buffalo Bill. I was just awestruck by the beauty! These photos, of course, do no justice to the majesty of what we saw. Though I was apprehensive to take a break from the studio, we all needed it, and I'm glad we went!
above, looking northwest from US 120 in Wyoming.
above, looking southeast coming home from Cody. I was struck by the similarity that the southern side held with The Badlands.
above, image taken near Belfry, Montana.
We stopped near the crest of the hill just south of Redlodge. This is looking back down toward Bearcreek, Montana, on US 38.
We got back to it today, and we'll be making our last push towards firing the train kiln.
Best to you all!

Red Lodge Part 4

A view of Rock Creek behind the studio from a walk I took on Monday.

Some green peaking through the water.
A few pictures from the days events!
The 5 to 6" creamer and sugar sets aren't quite done, but here is a picture of them with colored and flashing slips. I made 3 more baskets today and will get handles on the new ones tomorrow.
I settled on a thinner rim for the baskets that seems to echo the rims of the pitchers and jars.
I like the set in the bottom right hand corner of the photo above,
though I'm still tweaking the handle!
These are the discoveries we get to make when we slow down a bit. It must be the elevation.
The 4 inch bottles will get trays too, made from the Death Valley dark stoneware.
See you tomorrow!

From PA to MT!

Here we are! In Beautiful Montana! This is as far west as I've been and I can't explain how incredible these Mountains are! For those of you who don't know, I was invited to come to
Red Lodge Clay Center by Donn and Betty Hedman. We will be here until April 15th making work, and will have an exhibit of our work opening April 9th.
Don't worry, you won't have to come to Montana! The show will be available online!
We left PA loaded down with pots, pottery making tools, and all kind of other things on Saturday March 13th and arrived unscathed 3 days later.
Badlands National Park, South Dakota, day 3 of the drive.
We saw three National Parks/Monuments that day, and arrived in Red Lodge around
1:30 am Tuesday March 16th .
Devils Tower!
South West view of the Beartooth National Forest from the Red Lodge Clay Center studio,
6 miles out of town.
Lidded Coffee Pitcher with matching Melita!
I have always wanted to make these, and now I have 6 of them in the works. We'll load our first bisque this week and fire the soda kiln early next week!
Until next post, cheers!